Treating Tongue Ties At Growing Faces

What are Tongue/Lip Ties?
Tongue and lip ties, also known as Tethered Oral Tissues (TOTS), are conditions where tight, restrictive tissues in the mouth impair movement, growth & development. 

In Babies

 Ties can significantly hinder a baby’s ability to breastfeed effectively, impacting nutritional intake and mother-child bonding. Unfortunately if left untreated these ties can affect not only breastfeeding but overall  oral development including breathing, swallowing  and facial growth. Recognizing and treating these ties early is essential for ensuring proper oral posture and overall health development.

In Older Children

Ties can disrupt a child’s oral function and  development, influencing speech, sleep, and jaw growth. Identification and early intervention play a pivotal role in addressing issues such as open mouth posture, speech difficulties, and compromised nasal breathing. Our commitment to comprehensive care emphasizes timely recognition and treatment for optimal oral function and overall health in growing children.

Infant Tongue Tie Treatment at Growing Faces

We are passionate advocates for whole health pediatric dental care which includes early intervention for tongue and lip ties. Our approach centers around identifying structural impediments as well as working with other healthcare providers (lactation consultants, osteopaths, CST providers), thereby improving the quality of life for both babies and mothers by addressing critical issues in breastfeeding and oral development. Our dedication stems from our deep understanding of how these early treatments significantly impact a child’s overall health and well-being.

How Do We Approach Treatment for Tongue/Lip Ties in Infants?

Once a baby is diagnosed with a tongue and/or lip tie, we suggest a comprehensive treatment approach that often includes a frenectomy. At Growing Faces, frenectomy procedures are performed with a CO2 laser for minimal discomfort and quick healing. Pre and post surgical care are crucial.  Myofunctional therapy and/or specific exercises and stretches  are prescribed to strengthen the tongue after the procedure. This therapy ensures the tongue adapts to its new freedom of movement, promoting proper resting tongue posture and  oral development. Often, a referral is also made to a lactation consultant and/or bodyworker (chiropractor, osteopath, CS therapist)

What is Frenectomy Recovery Like in Infants?

The immediate post-procedure period involves exercises to prevent scarring and ensure the tongue retains its mobility. For nursing babies, breastfeeding itself aids in recovery, as the suckling action helps the tongue find its new, proper position. Parents play a vital role in this recovery phase, actively participating in prescribed exercises to facilitate their child's healing. Frequently the baby is referred for “body work “ as well with another provider (chiropractor, osteopath, CST provider) as well as to a lactation consultant if indicated.

Does My Baby Have a Tongue &/or Lip Tie?

Here are some signs to look for:

Signs for Baby

Difficulty latching onto the breast

Colic, gassy, reflux, fussy

Frustration or fatigue during feeding

Poor weight gain

Desire to be on the breast for extended periods of time

Signs for Mom

Pain during breastfeeding, mis-shapen nipples

Incomplete breast emptying

Low milk supply

Feelings of frustration or inadequacy

How Do We Approach Treatment for Tongue/Lip Ties in Older Children?

Sometimes older children and young adults also require that their tongue tie be released. The reason for any release is to remove the tongue restriction and allow better elevation of the tongue on the palate. The child may or may not be experiencing sleep issues, open mouth posture, speech issues or  poor jaw development. If the release is accompanied by myofunctional therapy and orthodontic expansion, improvement can be seen in sleep, articulation, proper tongue posture, nasal breathing and jaw development.

Does My Child Have a Tongue &/or Lip Tie?

Here are some signs to look for:

Difficulty articulating sounds and speech issues

Persistent open mouth posture

Sleep disturbances, including issues with snoring or mouth breathing

Limited tongue mobility or difficulty elevating the tongue

Challenges with nasal breathing

Jaw development concerns, such as a narrow palate

Oral hygiene difficulties and potential dental issues

Frequent headaches or jaw pain